818: Angel Number

As I went to start my first blog post, I opened it up and the timestamp was 8:18 pm. This time has been following me in life, in readings, on the clock, its even on someone’s birthdays that’s close to me.

What is the meaning of the 818 angel number?
Intuitively it’s telling me that what goes around comes around. I see unions, divine reflections, I see a mirror of divine energy and love flowing.

If you’re seeing 818 repeatedly this could be a sign that you are on the right track obviously, but that your life is coming into balance.

that you are aligning with a higher timeline and a divine union.
love, prosperity, abundance, balance, soulmate connections, reconciliation, and repeated lessons in love to level up.

the universe is saying to you to let go and the outcome, who, what, when, and where because you don’t want the energy of the needy to attract the wrong energy. be very mindful during this time and make sure to stay focused on your growth so you aren’t tricked into love just because you're expecting it. allow yourself to take everything slow and trust in the process so you can trust in the chemistry, energy, and signs that will continue to occur.

other signs for the 818 angel number:

what’s coming: sight, tranquility, meditation, peace, restful sleep, clear thinking, new beginnings, childlike glee, letting go, surrender, grounding, wealth, success, wisdom, intuition, dreams, energy and passion.


Flwrs will bloom: Playlist